Cold Norton Village

Cold Norton is small Essex village between Maldon and South Woodham Ferrers.

The village is rural with a population centre around Latchingdon Road

For information on the Dengie Hundred Community click the links above.


For more specific information about Latchingdon please click on the below links.

DL signifies direct link which will take you to an external site. SL signifies the link will take you to one of our sister sites for Burnham or Southminster.

Bus Services  
Cold Norton Parish Council  
Cold Norton Pre School  
Crime Statistics for Cold Norton, North Fambridge & Purleigh DL
Darts Teams  
Facebook Groups/Pages for Cold Norton  
Girl Guides, Brownies & Rainbows  
Halls for Hire  
Mobile Library visits  
Public Houses  
Recreation facilities  
St Stephen's Church SL
Table Tennis Club  
Three Rivers Golf  
Weather for Cold Norton DL
Women's Institute